“An unyielding cosmic force, constantly moving forward, yet bending to our will when we choose how to invest it. The ultimate equalizer—no one escapes its flow, claiming us all in the end, but can be directed towards what matters before then.”
If something holds value, ` time ’ is the most meaningful currency & investment we can make. So dive in, immerse yourself—explore that new craft, master a tool, cultivate your skills, nurture the life around you. Growth is the point; experience the process.
Forget about external rewards, the validation, or the pursuit of things that don’t last, pulling us away from what matters. Embrace the practice of learning, experimenting, and making mistakes—not as a means to an end, but as a fundamental part of evolving. To create, to build, to refine—it’s a participation in something greater than ourselves.
Don’t waste time on distractions that don’t matter. Try to focus on what aligns with your values—what helps you grow, fills your heart, and keeps you moving forward.
Below, you’ll find samples of my work—nothing fancy, just reflections of time and energy spent—nothing more, nothing less. If it resonates, dope. If not, that’s cool too.
Thanks for being here. ✌🏼